How it


As lead investigator for the Animal Abuse Unit in Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office, April is always discovering gaps and attempting to fill them with tools and resources. The Love Leads Project evolved from a need discovered when an officer was without any tools or resources to assist with a stray animal on a busy road. The rope came compliments of an exciting collaboration as April happened to be a passionate animal-lover and climber. She approached EarthTreks (now Movement Gyms) and various locations across Maryland agreed to donate all of their used climbing rope.

Each Love Lead is handmade and distributed to law enforcement, animal control, and other first responders throughout the country. Love Leads have even made international appearances in patrol vehicles and even some animal shelters. Early on, the project caught the attention of Pet+ER, a 24/7 emergency animal hospital in Baltimore. Having seen one too many animals dragged into their waiting room on catch poles, or having to treat dogs who were hit by cars because rescuers lacked the means to contain them, they offered to help.

Today, production is a team effort amongst family and the community, who make the slip leashes by hand. This collaborative effort is supported by Movement Gyms, across the Maryland/Virginia area, with their donation of climbing rope; Pet ER+, which donates production equipment and connectors; and Show Your Soft Side, which covers shipping and marketing resources. It’s a rare collaboration of the public, private and non-profit sectors joining forces to make life a little kinder – and safer – for the animals that grace our lives: a project full of love. Does your Love Lead?

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I can tell you from experience. The first time you come across a runaway goat, you’ll be glad you had one in your squad car.”

How To

The order process is pretty easy. You want it, we make it, you get it. And they’re absolutely free to any and all first responders.

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How To

As requests have continued to grow – from within the United States to as far away as the Grand Bahamas – so have our costs.

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